My riding program
included teaching children to understand horses were living, feeling creatures
that needed us to care for them in a fair and compassionate way. There was hard
work involved if they were to ever have a horse. They groomed, cleaned stalls,
fed and watered the horses every day they came to camp. They learned to tack up
by themselves, how to care for the tack – because it was expensive and needed to
be safe to use.
We rode of course,
playing games and working through obstacles so the horses didn’t get bored and
the children had to focus on things like asking the horse to turn and stop and
back up. It gave the riders a sense of accomplishment with each obstacle they
and their horse executed successfully.
The arts and crafts
time was not only a way for the children to express themselves creatively but
also a time to cool off and get out of the heat in the afternoons – and let the
horse rest and munch hay. But, that part of the schedule again gave the day-campers
a sense of accomplishment. It was something tangible to show their parents and
grandparents and to take home from camp. I always made it a project that would
teach a skill related to horses.
One year the moms
decided they wanted a camp for themselves. So, we had grown-ups evening camp. I
think it gave them a real appreciation of what their children had been learning
in camp and riding lessons. I remember the craft project was making a rope
halter. I had a lady who was expert at making the halters come teach their
class. The ladies, myself included, were not very successful in that project.
More like we were completely frustrated and ready to give up, but finally each
of us did end up with a finished and usual halter. Maybe that was a lesson in perseverance.
I conducted those camps
year after year with no casualties I am happy to say. Parents and older teen
students helped. Gerda Rhodes, our county livestock agent, would visit and do
programs on things like equine nutrition and hay identification. I could not
have survived horse camps without all that help.
Those were some great
times. Lots of wonderful memories from my youth. Where did that energy come
from? Hot and humid weather, heavy lifting, helping kids on and off horses, on
my feet most of the day. It was the most fun of my life, those crazy summer
days, watching kids beam with pride as they rode to the tunes of Herby Hancock,
Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, and Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the USA. No one ever
accused me of not being versatile in my music selections!
My hat is off to all
the riding instructors who will be sweating in the heat, helping children learn
to love a horse this summer. To parents reading this blog, find a good stable
near you offering horsemanship camps. It doesn’t have to be a fancy place, but
one that shows the horses are cared for well and an instructor that loves kids
as much as horses. Sign them up so they can learn about compassion, and that
good things come from hard work and where they will get a sense of
accomplishment through communicating successfully with another creature. And
find one that includes arts and crafts, because learning to create with their
own hands is something tangible they can take home with them.
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